
Oct 19, 2014

Pieces of My Puzzle 10-19-14

Happy Sunday Friends!

Here it is, a month since my last Pieces of My Puzzle Post...sorry about and stuff.

So..what have I been up to...well...STILL working on our new house...they say it takes it least 30% longer then you expected...and we have found that to be true.  I feel like we have been "almost" done FOREVER...but there always seems to be something to do. We are working long hours, and we seem to be making progress...but when we go back, we find more to do.  So...we are still in our current house...and still working on our new house...busy time for sure!

Since the last time I posted this, my beloved Kansas City Royals, won the Wild Card game in a real nail biter.  Then they swept the Angles in the ALDS. THEN...we swept the Orioles in the ALCS...SOOO Royals are going to face the Giants in the World Series!!!!

We are so excited.  The Royals have not been in the World Series since 1985!!!! So we are way over due!

I have not watched a lot of TV, due to non stop baseball here...but I have managed to watch American Horror Story:Freak Show.  WOW...just wow!  Twisty the about creepy.  I will not spoil it for those of you that have not watched it yet..but I am loving this one so far.  So many turns and twists.  I am so surprised that I actually enjoy this show so much, am not a fan of scary horror shows at all.  But this show has me hooked, the story line just pulls you in, and you have no choice but to watch.

I wish I could tell you that I have been reading a lot, but sadly, I have not read a book in months.  I am looking forward to getting settled in our new house and reading the winter cold away!

Cooler weather has moved in, leaves are changing colors and falling, pumpkin anything has taken over Pinterest, yes friends, fall is upon us.  I love this time of year..the colors, the flavors, the cool crisp air, what is not to love!

So...that is that...what I have been up to..working on the house, collecting new and hold things to put it in and watching baseball.  What have you been up to?  Are you ready for the busy holiday season?

Don't forget, you still have time to link up at Party in Your PJs.  The party starts on Tuesday evenings at 7pm Central time, and it is an anything goes party!  Come join the fun and see all the wonderful creations all over blogland!

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