
Mar 30, 2014

Pieces of My Puzzle 3-30-14

Happy Sunday Internet Friends!  Time for another Sunday Catch up post.

I am going to keep this pretty short and sweet. 

I am struggling trying to juggle work, family, blogging and building our new house.  For the last two Saturdays, I have been at the new house, laying tile and grouting tile.  While I am sure I will love the final product, dudes, it is HARD WORK.  I hurt in places of my body that I did not even know I had.  Last Monday, I could hardly walk, by tush hurt so much, not my thighs, not my leg, my tush! What is up with that?  I am sure I was moving in ways my body is not used to, but I did not like it.  By the end of the week, I was feeling better, but I am sure I will be hurting again tomorrow.  Not looking forward to that at all, but my husband and I decided to build this house together, so build it we must.  We have 1,500 square feet of tile to lay, so I guess I better get used to it.  He promised I could have next weekend off, and I am soooo looking forward to it.

I did get a little TV time in this week.  Scandal was well SCANDALOUS! much went on, I watched it is total shock.  I have to say, it is my favorite show on TV right now.  I have not seen the first season, but I am in love.  Grey's Anatomy was odd this week, not sure if I liked this episode, it was just, well, odd.  That was about all I watched this week, that I can think of that is worth talking about.

I am now on the six book of the Cedar Cove series by Debbie Macomber.   To say I am totally hooked is an understatement,  I have no idea how many books are in the series, but I could read about this small town in Washington forever.  Why did I not know about these books before.  They are well written, captivating, and clean, no sex, no foul language, I love that.

So...what happened on the blog this week?

 I made this yummy Orange Creamsicle Fudge!  
Easy, quick and easy adaptable.  Must try for sure.

I had a special guest poster this week too, Melissa from My Recent Favorite Books.
She talked about a Autism Walk she does every year, and is doing a Thirty One Fundraiser
to raise money for the Walk.
You can read her post Here.
You can read about the Walk Here
If you would like to place an order for a great cause, please click Here

Saturday, I had the great honor of being a guest co-host at
This was my first time ever hosting a link party, even if I was just a guest, and I 
LOVED it.  Thank you so my ladies for having me.

Please hop over and look and all of the wonderful links, I am still in shock at 
all of the amazing post people do!

So....there you go, what I have been up to!
What did you do this week?
What are you doing next week?
Is it finally Spring where you are at?
One day it is Spring, the next day it is Fall, Missouri weather is so weird!

Until next time


1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have been busy! =)
    Thanks again for having me Guest-Post!!! It was alot of fun!
