
Feb 12, 2014

Valentine Marshmallow Pops

Marshmallow Pops for Valentine's Day

Time is ticking..Valentine's Day is in just a few days.  I wanted to post one last quick and easy item that you can whip to for your sweetie.  You can run to the Walmarts, or Dollar Tree on your lunch hour, while the kiddos are at school, or on the way to an important meeting and get all you need to make this quick and simple treat.

Here is what you need

Valentine Peeps, or large Marshmallows
Melting chocolate, Almond Bark, Candy Melts or Candiquick
Paper Straws or sucker sticks
Valentine Sprinkles
glass container, vase or jar
conversation hearts (I used about 1.5 bags, and ate the rest...don't judge)
block of foam, or something to stick the dipped marshmallow in while they dry. all the stuff?  Here is what you do.

Melt your chocolate according to package direction.  I dip the end of the straw or stick into the chocolate then carefully into the marshmallow.  I then put it into the foam to set.  By the time I got them all on sticks, they were set.  Carefully dip the marshmallow into the chocolate, using a spoon to help you get it completely covered.  GENTLY tap and wiggle the coated marshmallow to remove as much chocolate as you can, don't worry about perfection, that is what the sprinkles are for.  Set it into the foam and then immediately sprinkle with sprinkles.  Finish all the marshmallows and let them dry, which happens pretty quickly.  Now all you have to do is arrange them in the vase, and your are ready to do.  You could also use Valentine M&M's if conversation hearts are not your thing.  If I am being honest, I would use M&M's, as it was hard to arrange the Marshmallow pops in the conversation heart...those boogers are HARD!

But...that is what I had...and this was a quick and simple last minute Valentine's day used what had.

So there you three days, I have posted three simple and easy Valentine's Day treats to make and give to your special someone.

Day One

Cherry Chocolate Cookies

Day Two 
Valentine's Day Chocolate cookies

And from last week 

Mini Valentine Cookies in a jar

I love you to pieces cookies

OK..that is all I got...Valentine's Day is now officially over on The Cookie Puzzle for 2014!  Now..what next? What should I work on next?  What do you want to see here...crafts, recipes, mindless rambles about Reality TV?  Give me some suggestions.....I am all ears!

This post might be linked up at the link parties found Here


  1. I love this Valentines idea! Pinned! =)
    I would love to see more crafts and recipes on your blog! You do a wonderful job!

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