
Feb 9, 2014

Pieces of my Puzzle 2-9-14

Happy Sunday!

I am so ready for spring!
Or summer!
Or anything other then winter.
We have had ice, followed by snow, and 
sub-zero temperatures and
"ouch it is too cold to leave the house" wind chills.

My normal real job was cancelled this week for
two days, Collin was out of school for four days.

I was able to get some baking done, and a craft,
and the thing that is most exciting is, I was able to
actually take decent pictures being home during normal sunlight hours.

Do ya'll have any idea how hard it is to be a blogger, and 
not be home when the sun is out?

It is HARD!

So..summer...please come....pretty please...I will make you a cake, 
or cookies...or fudge...whatever...just come!

So...the Olympics?

Are you watching?

Well...about the only thing that interests me, is figure skating, other
then that, not a big fan, but...I am sure I will have it on
the TV, and will check out what I can.

I watched the opening ceremony on Friday, 
so...I was not all that impressed, but that is not unusual, they usually don't impress me.

Are you a fan of The Big Bang Theory?

I am HUGE fan, 
I might have like 137 episodes recorded on my DVR, but
that is not weird or anything is it?

Well...this week was HUGE, so if you have not seen this
weeks episode, sorry...spoiler ahead.

Sheldon and Amy KISSED!

I mean like KISSED!


AND....I then Raj might have met a woman!
I am so excited for him...he needs a real love interest besides
his cute little dog, Cinnamon.

Other then that...not much in TV this week.

Are you ready for Valentine's Day?

I am ...sorta...I have a few more things
to share on the blog next week before the big day.
As always..they will be simple and quick ideas, 
so if you are a "oh crap, Valentine's Day is THIS week"
type of person, don't worry....I got your back.

This week I posted my first happy with how 
they came out.

Valentine mini cookies in a jar

I love you to pieces Valentine's Day Cookies

So, that is that..until next time  


  1. I'm with you Kim, I'm ready for Spring!! I also was not impressed with the opening ceremony, but I can't wait to watch some of the Olympics…..nothing else seems to be on. You did a great job on your first printable and I plan to be using it at some point. I am always telling the grandbabies how I love them to pieces!

  2. I am so ready for Spring!! =) I hope you and your family had a great weekend!
    I love the Printable and your I love you to Pieces Cookies!
