
Jan 30, 2014

Welcome to the New The Cookie Puzzle

Notice anything different?

See anything new?

Do you like what you see?

I do!

I am in love with my newly 

I could just squeal it is so pretty!

So...let me tell you about how all this came about.

A few weeks ago, on a whim, I thought it
would be a good idea to spruce up my blog.

My first stop was Etsy.  On Etsy, you can 
purchase pre-made blog templates.

Well, I found a few that I "Liked" but none
that I really loved.

So, I sat on the idea a bit.

I then started looking at blogs that 
I liked, and created a Secret board on

Did you know you could do that?

You can, and it is so helpful.
You can collect ideas, and no one can 
see them, unless you invite them to the board.
One note though, you have to follow them, and they have to
follow you, for them to be able to be invited.

So...I made my board, 
I pinned blogs I liked, commenting specifically, what I
liked about then, "I like the search bar" or "Love the colors"
I pinned fonts I liked, I pinned colors I liked, anything
that might help a designer get a feel of what I was looking for.
Then I started to 
look for a designer.

I found one that I really liked.

I sent an email on Saturday afternoon, 
and within 30 minutes, I got a email back from the designer.

I found the website for 

       Adorability Designs

entered my life.

Ya'll Melanie she is AMAZING!

She is talented!

She is skilled!

She is a dream to work with.

In just a few minutes, we agreed
to work together, I sent her an
invite to my Secret Board on Pinterest.

By Monday,as in not even 48 hours, 
she sent me her first graphics.

I was in love.

In four short days, and 60
emails, yes 60, back and forth,
I had a totally new blog!

Four days!

Ya'll...who can do that?

Melanie can!

She was sooo easy to work with.

She listened to what I wanted, 
and what I did not want,
and made my dream a reality!

She guided me though the process,
answered my silly questions,
let me make HORRIBLE 
design choices, then gently
guided me in the right direction.

She would send me an
amazing graphic, I would suggest
a color change, she would make 
it and send it to me, I 
would say "eww, I was wrong, she was right"
and I would go back to her original design.

See...that is why she is 
a designer and me...
I hire designers!

I can not even begin to tell you
how happy I am with my new look!

I love everything about it, 
every color,
every little puzzle piece,
every little button
and font.

All of it makes me happy!

Thank you Melanie
you made my dream come to life!

If you are in the market for a
blog makeover, a new graphic for your 
blog, a facebook cover page,
a signature for your blog,
anything at all, 
I can not recommend 
Melanie enough!

Her talent is second to none, 
and her customer service
is a standard that all should strive for.

I find myself trying to
figure out what else I can have 
her do for me.

What could have been 
a scary and stressful
process, was
made enjoyable and fun
by her!

I will be forever grateful!

I would also like to give a special thanks to
my sister , Susan, who as a non-blogger, 
helped me figure out what people like, 
what was easy to read, and what looked good.
She looked at every graphic and gave me her honest input.
Her insight, helped so much, Thanks Susan

A supersized thank you also goes to my
best friend, Melissa of Simply Sweets by Honeybee.
Her guidance has been incredible!
She held my hand throughout this entire process,
from my choice of designer, to color palette
to each little graphic, Melissa offered a bloggers
eye, that I simply don't have.
Thank you Melissa...I am so grateful that blogging
brought you into my life!

Now that I have a new look

I am ready to take my blog
in a new direction.

While I started this blog
to share my love of
decorated cookies,
I find that "life"
has prevented me from
making them like I used to.

So...while I might 
share a decorated cookie
every now and again,
primarily, I will be share
quick and fun recipes, mostly
baked goods, as I don't cook much.

I would also like to 
start crafting more too.

I find it fun and rewarding,
and need to make time for that.

So..while you are here..look around
Melanie has given me
little treasures all over my new blog.

Don't forget to grab my new blog button
which has been updated.

And...if you are looking for a 
little face lift for your blog, 
Melanie is your gal.

You can find her Here on the web
Here on Facebook.

Until next time.



  1. I LOVE it Kim!!! The colors are so bright and happy. Great job Melanie :)
    I can't wait to see more, Kim. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations on your new blog Kim! I think it looks great. It's colorful, clean and fun. You achieved the look you were going for. So happy for you.

  3. I love it! Very girly, so fun! I can't wait to see some crafts!

  4. I can see this from my home computer!
    It's awesome Kim, good job!

  5. Great redo! I love how clean it is with the bright colors just here and there. I can believe it was completed in less than a week! Very nice! Thanks for sharing on the Four Seasons Blog Hop and looking forward to your expansion to easy baked goods and crafts!
