
Jan 16, 2014

Peanut Butter Stuffed Chocolate Dipped Bugles

Previously, on The Cookie Puzzle,
I made
Peanut Butter Stuffed Chocolate Dipped Bugles.
The following takes place between
this post and my next post.
Have you heard?
My favorite show is coming back for
a 12 episode mini-series in May.
Jack Bauer is BACK!
Yep...that is right.
24 baby!
I am beyond excited!
I love me some Jack, and having Chloe back just makes
the world a better place!
Actually, I made these last week, but have not had
time to post them yet, mainly because, well, I did
not know what to write in the post.
See...these are crazy easy, no real recipe per se,
and well I have been racking my brain, trying
to think of a "story" to tie in with Bugles.
Since I heard the news about 24, I thought I would
talk about it, cause I am super nerdy, and only
a twisted mind like mine would think,
"Hey, 24 is back, sound the bugles"
Did you catch that?
But oh well, I get to share this
super easy treat.
I grabbed a bag of Bugles, sorted out the "good" ones, by
good ones, I mean the ones that all whole, with a hole to fill.
I then put some peanut butter in a piping bag, or a sandwich bag,
would work too.  I then filled the bugles, and then dipped them
in melted almond bark, chocolate would work too.
I placed them on a wax paper lined cookie sheet and
sprinkled them with sprinkles, because sprinkles make
everything better.
Jack told me that.
"Dammit Kim, I need those Sprinkles, NOW"
Yep....I am a cornball.
So...sound the Bugles...24 is back baby!

Love Bakes Good Cakes

-This post might be linked up at the link parties found Here.


  1. You are too funny! I love bugles. Don't hate me but I never finished 24. I watched it for awhile & then stopped.

  2. Omg I love this. For one I love bugles...and anything with PB....but OMG 24. We own every season on DVD... we watched it religously.... now I have to run home and tell my husband who probably already knows but I didnt. Thanks for the shout!!!

  3. Omg I love this. For one I love bugles...and anything with PB....but OMG 24. We own every season on DVD... we watched it religously.... now I have to run home and tell my husband who probably already knows but I didnt. Thanks for the shout!!!

  4. Holy yum! Thanks for linking up to Freedom Fridays - pinned and shared!

    1. Just stopping by to let you know that you had the most viewed link at last week's Freedom Fridays :) You're being featured - this week's party is live if you'd like to stop by and grab a button or link up this week! Have a great weekend!

    2. Thank you so much Jamie! WOW! What an honor! Thank you so much for hosting such an amazing link party!

  5. Oh Goodness!!! This would be the ultimate foodie for my hubby!!! (but only if I share, Ha)

    Totally Pinning!!

    Hugs from Freedom Fridays!!

    1. Thank you Evelyn....the best part of these, besides the fact that they are yummy, is that they are so you can make as many or as few as you want.

    2. Most Clicked at Freedom Fridays!!! Yeah everyone just loved them!!!


  6. My mouth is hanging open. I used to LIVE OFF OF Bugles as a kid. Bugles and Fun'yuns. Ha. Love this update and addition of peanut butter! Thanks for sharing at Tasty Tuesdays! I'm featuring you & these fab sweet & salty snacks tomorrow! Be sure to come back :)

    1. Thank you Anyonita! What a huge honor...thank you for hosting such an amazing link party!

  7. These look amazing! Thank you for sharing at Tasty Tuesdays!!! Pinned and will be making soon!!!

    1. Thank you Cathy! They are careful..they are addicting!

  8. Found you on Freedom Fridays! Pinning this yummy treat now!

  9. I can't believe I haven't seen these!! Yummy...I had some peanut butter bugles and carmel bugles this past weekend ;) I had to have them taken away...they were like crack....I swear they put some kind of addictive ingredient in them..couldn't stop eating them. Bet these are the same.

    Pinning it!
    Thanks for sharing.

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