
Jan 27, 2014

My Favorite Sugar Cookie Recipe

I have made a lot of decorated 
sugar cookies over the years.

While my techniques and skills have
changed a lot, one thing has stayed 

I have used the same sugar
cookie recipe!
Yes, I have made a few changes
along the way, simple 

But, for the most part it is the same.

 I have been thinking for some time that I wanted
to share my go to recipe, and when 
a reader sent me a sweet email, asking 
if I share my recipe, I thought today
would be the perfect time.

Now, I want to talk about WHY
I love this recipe so much, why it works for me.

This is a recipe that is designed to give a 
thick and soft cookie, if you like thin
and crisp cookies, this is not the recipe for you.

This recipe requires sour cream, if sour cream
grosses you out, move to another recipe.

I roll my cookies THICK, 3/8 inch thick.

This recipe cooks SLOW and LOW.
A cookie that is 3.5-4 inches thick,
requires a baking time of 22-23 minutes.

I think it is very important to NOT
over crowd your cookie sheet,
I typically, only put 6
cookies on a sheet at once.

I use the convection setting on my oven, 
set at 300, and bake 
two sheets at a time.
My oven automatically adjusts when using 
the convection setting, I set it to
325, and it adjusts to 300.

These cookie will "puff" a little, 
if you want a flat surface for decorating, 
as soon as they come out of the oven, 
gently smooth the tops with a fondant smoother
or spatula.

This cookie is NOT very sweet.
It works great for me, as I only decorate using
Glaze, which is very sweet, so the 
cookie and the glaze together, 
yield a perfect amount of sweetness.

This recipe is very adaptable, flavor wise.

Like orange flavor, add orange extract.

Want a chocolate cookie, take out
1/2 flour, and add 1/2 cocoa powder, 
you will get an almost brownie like cookie.

Want a simple cookie, you can color the dough,
dip them in sanding sugar, and no 
decorating required.

I have made cookies 5 inches big,
and cookies 1.5 inches, just adapt the
baking time.

In a hurry, cool, this recipe requires
not chilling time, mix it, roll, cut and go.

Love butter cream?
These cookies taste great topped with
butter cream and sprinkles.

Fan of Nutella?
Spread Nutella on it...YUMMY!

So there you favorite sugar cookie recipe.

If you are interested in my glaze recipe, 
let me know...I would be happy to share that
sometime in the future.

My Favorite Sugar Cookie
Printable Version

1 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon vanilla
1/2 cup sour cream
1 lb 10oz all purpose flour *
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

Cream butter and sugar. Beat in egg, vanilla, & sour cream. Blend in dry ingredients. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Roll dough to desired thickness ( I do my 3/8 inch thick). Cut into shapes. Place cookies on un-greased cookie sheet. Bake approx 20 minutes or until middle is set (firm to the touch). I like to let them cool, on the cookie sheet for 5-7 minutes before moving them to a cooling rack.
This recipe yields approximately 20- 25 medium cookies.

*note about the amount of flour…sometimes this varies…I usually start with 4 ¼ cup and then add flour until the dough is not sticky….you don’t want it dry and crumbly….but not sticky, I like it the consistency of play dough…sometimes 4 ¼ cups gets me there…sometimes I add up to 5 cups.  I mix my dough in a KitchenAid mixer…when the dough does not stick to the bowl anymore, that is perfect.

I hope you enjoy...happy baking.

-This post might be linked up at the link parties found Here.


  1. I have had your cookies and they are the bomb diggity!! This is so sweet of you to share!

  2. Coolness! Glad you shared your recipe. I have also had your cookies & love them.

  3. I can never find a good sugar cookie I've pinned this one! :)

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  4. Oh, a great sugar cookie recipe. Thanks for sharing it at Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning. Now it's time to get baking :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Just came across your sugar cookie recipe that I am going to try. Have you ever posted your glaze recipe?
