
Jan 23, 2014

Farm Animal Cookies

My dear niece gave me a set of
mini farm animal cookie cutters for Christmas.

Not Christmas 2013, but Christmas 2012!

As soon as I saw them, I knew
exactly what I wanted to do with them.

And being the super on top of things type of person I am
I FINALLY made them.

As in January 2014!

These are just like those Grandma's Frosted Cookies, but in
farm animal form.

So easy and so cute, I just used my favorite sugar cookie recipe, dipped them
in white glaze and sprinkled them...easy peasy.

Perfect for snacking...lunch boxes...or late night TV watching.

I have been thinking for some time about 
sharing my go to sugar cookie recipe.

Is that something you want to see?

How about a post of my favorite Pins of the week?
Interested in that?

Life has become super crazy for me lately, and 
my baking time has been cut by A LOT, and
I enjoy blogging, and don't want to give it up.

So...what do you want to see here at 
The Cookie Puzzle?

Round ups?
Pinterest Finds?
Me rambling on about reality TV?

Sound off....I need a little help here.

Oh....and make sure you come back on
Sunday....I will share a little about 
what has me busy lately in my
Pieces of my Puzzle Post!

This post might be linked up at the link parties found Here.


  1. I really want to make these animal crackers. Love this! Thanks for stopping by Friday with Friends! Hugs! Linda

  2. These cookies are so much fun. They bring back great memories of childhood. I will have to bake some up for my nephews. They will LOVE them!

  3. This looked so cute. I should have seen this earlier and make it into a Chinese new year cookies. Thanks for joining 4 seasons blog hop and pinning to share with other party goers. cheers

  4. Super cute! Thank you for linking up at Tasty Tuesdays! Your post has been pinned to my Recipes from Tasty Tuesday board. I can't wait to see what you link up next week!
    Have a terrific weekend!
