
Jan 29, 2013

National Puzzle Day

Did you know that there was a
National Puzzle Day?
I totally did not!
How could I NOT know there was a
National Puzzle Day?
I mean really?
I am pretty much
OBSESSED with Puzzle Pieces.
Some one should have told me! 
Tap Tap Tap
Someone SHOULD have told me!
So...there I was
In my truck
driving home from work
Jamming to
Toby Mac
Do you listen to Toby Mac?
You totally should!
He totally rocks!
And, I had it turned up
Way to loud.
Then the song ended.
And the DJ (do they still call them DJs, or am I dating myself?),
announced that TODAY was
National Puzzle Day!
OMG...I am the worst cookie decorator EVER!
So..I picked up Collin from his grandma's
rushed home
and quickly "googled" it.
January 29th is National Puzzle Day!
Thankfully, being the prepared cookie decorator that I am,
I had a few rectangle and square cookies
base coated white, ready to decorate!
Woot Woot!
(see, Toby Mac makes me young, and I can say things like WOOT WOOT)
I grabbed my edible markers
Decorated some cookies for
National Puzzle Day!
Nothing fancy...but...I now have a few
designs for April, which is
Autism Awareness Month! you go
Cookies for
National Puzzle day!

I have to say...I am pretty proud of them, I hope you liked them!
Until next time

Jan 28, 2013

Stamping on Cookies

I have wanted to try using stamps
on cookies for a long time.
But for some reason I has scared,
I am not sure hard can it be?
I think I was scared at how tiny the lines
that are on stamps.
And then I was worried about using
gel food coloring on the stamps,
it is soo thick, and I was
worried that I could not get a clean line.
Last week I was at my Michael's store,
and while I was looking around,
I saw the Cake Stamps by Wilton,
and they were on sale.
So..I bought 4 packages of stamps
and decided to give it a try!
I have to say..although it was my first try at stamping on cookies,
I was pretty pleased with how they turned out.
Talk about a fast way to decorate cookies!
Now..lets get to what I leaned about stamping on cookies.
Ok...time to get honest.
Everything I did to make these cookies,
I learned from This blog post!
Anita from Sweet Hope Cookies, did a great job
of explaining what works
what does NOT work!
Please click over to read the complete post, it is very informative.
Thanks Anita!
So...onto what I did
A few days before I stamped my cookies,
I flooded them with white glaze,
 and let them dry completely.
When I was ready to stamp I grabbed
the cookie
my stamps
Americolor AIRBRUSH color (NOT gel)
my Wilton Paint brushes
paper towels
glass of water
First I painted the stamp with the color, since I could not find a un-inked pad,
I simple shook up the color, to ensure it was mixed, took off the top
and dipped my paint brush in the paint.
I then stamped on paper to make sure the coverage was complete.
I then stamped the cookie. is where Anita's post is so helpful.
When I stamped, I did the traditional
Straight Down.....Straight Up Method
This does not work, there were spots of the stamp that totally missed the cookie.
Try again, using Anita's Method
Starting closest to you, gently "rock" the stamp onto the cookie
front to back, then so side to side...then rock it off the cookie, away from you.
Perfect, well perfect enough for me!
Please go and read her post..
she has cool step by step pictures.
And since she took the time to do it,
I felt no need to repeat her post,
so go read it!
Now...there will be some spots, no matter how
careful you are that the color is broken,
but that is not a problem, simple use your paint brush,
and fill in..easy peasy!
So...overall, I am pretty happy with how they came out
I do need more practice
But, they were quick and easy
and fun enough that I will try them again
The Wilton stamps have "wide" lines in them which,
to me, are more forgiving, which is a plus for me.
And since they are made by Wilton, for cake decorating,
I know they are food safe.
The cookies were ready to package, within a hour or so.
This is a major plus if you need cookies FAST!
Stamping on cookies

I also bought 2 other sets, that I will be using soon
A flower set
And a Celebration set

*This is not a paid advertisement, Wilton and Americolor,
have no idea who I am, I just love their products*

Until next time....

Jan 25, 2013

Flashback Friday - 1/25/13

Happy Friday!

Today, for Flashback Friday, 
I thought I would jump into the 
Valentine's Day Season

and share some of my very early
Valentine cookies.

They are NOT perfect..but neither am I.

They are not original, but I was pretty 
proud of them when I did them.

I hope you enjoy!

 Of course, I have to 'puzzle' a heart cookie!

 Broken Heart cookie...pre Kopy Kake...not so pretty

These are cookies that Collin designs for his Valentine's Day Party,
they celebrated in the morning, and he wanted heart donuts.


I hope you are enjoying seeing  some of my early cookies.

Some are not so pretty....most are not all that wonderful
I think it is fun to look back and see how much I have 
changed as a cookie decorator!

Have a great weekend.

Until next time

Jan 23, 2013

Simple Birthday Cookies

I got a last minute order for 
Birthday Cookies.

Since they were last minute,
I went with simple designs.

And it got me thinking

Every cookier should have 
simple cookie designs in their arsenal.

It is just smart thinking.

Simple cookie designs, that are easy to make.

Require few colors,

Can be created on short notice.

Using colored icing that you have in a 
always filled stock pile.
I have learned to keep simple colors on hand at all times.
That way when I get a last minute order...I am prepared,
I can take the order...and I have a happy customer.
I only work in a glaze icing, which stores very well, freezer,
refrigerator, and on the counter at room temperature, for days.
What colors do I keep in stock?
Red (always better the longer it has to develop)

Using those simple colors, you can create great cookies


You can mix them to get different colors.
You can mix in white to lighten
You can mix in black to darken.

The next time you have some free time,
why not create a stockpile of colored icing.
And if you have the time,
create some standard cookie designs.
Designs that you can re-create 
What designs?
Get Well
Simple designs for me, are cookies that have one color of a base 
coat, and simple details.
Add a bit of sanding sugar.
And a simple cookie becomes
"OMG, thank you...I love them" cookies. is my basic Birthday set.
I can bake as base coat them in one evening.
Wake up the next morning, add details
and deliver in the afternoon.
Start to finish, less then 24 hours.
Simple, yes, but the customer loved them
and  remember, THAT is the important thing!


These were for a 10 year old boy celebrating
his birthday.

Need them for a girl, change the colors!

For a baby, soften the colors!

A Teen, go Neon!

Over the hill, Black baby!

 I am linked up at


 Simply Sweets by Honeybee
Until next time....

Jan 18, 2013

Introducing...Flashback Fridays

I decorated my first cookie
January 2011

I started my my Facebook Page 
August 24, 2011

I started my blog
April 21, 2012

In those two years

I have made a lot of cookies!

Some of my earlier cookies have not
made it to my Facebook page.

Some of my earlier cookies have not
made it to my blog.


I am starting a new series...

 The first cookies to be featured are some of 
my early cookies


I just love them!

I made them for my cousin's daughter, Chloe.

Chloe love hearts, peace signs and tie dye patterns.

So...that is what I made her!

 Peace Sign Hearts!

Mini Peace Sign cookies!

And Cupcakes!

Tie Dye Cupcakes, with peace sign cookie toppers!

This is still one of my favorite sets that I have done, 
even after all this time..they still bring a smile to my face.

I even named them "The Chloe Cookies"

So...there you go..some of my early cookies (and cupcakes)

I hope you enjoy this new series.

I have lots of cookies and goodies I want to share, 
and since they are some of my earlier work,
I thought a new series was in order. you like this idea?

Do you want to see more of my early work?

I love feedback!

I joined the party at

 Simply Sweets by Honeybee

Until next time...


Jan 16, 2013

What REALLY matters....

Sometimes, as cookie decorators, we have our "bad" days,
We have all had them.

Simple cookies..turn bad.

Icing is not the right consistency.

A clogged tip.

A blow out in our piping bag.

You drop an entire tray of completed cookies.

You of those days!

This week was one of those weeks for me.

It just sucked!

Then....I got a couple of emails.

I remembered WHY, I love decorating cookies.

It is NOT the number of fans on Facebook.

It is NOT the number of followers on my blog.

It is NOT the the praise from fellow decorators.

It is all about the CUSTOMERS!

The mothers who purchase cookies for a 3rd birthday party.

The devoted friend who hosts a baby shower and wants cookies to serve.

Making people happy with my cookies makes me feel good.

Making cookies that people appreciate, enjoy and order, that is what makes me happy.

Are my cookies the most beautiful cookies out there?


Do I sell as many cookies as others?


But what I DO have is thankful customers.

Today...I want to share with you the super simple cookies I made, and the emails I got in return.

Super simple Onesie cookies for a baby shower, hosted by Kari.

Hi Kim,
I just wanted to let you know how much all the guests and I loved the cookies you made for me in December! I had some left over and just finished the last one and let me tell you even after 3 weeks they were still as good, soft and fresh as day 1!! I can not get over how good your cookies were-- by far the best gourmet cookies I've ever had-- hands down!! Thank you so much again-- I hope I get an opportunity to Order your cookies again!!

Next up, I did simple Curious George cookies for Courtney.

Oh my god!!!! That is the most incredible job I have ever seen!!!!!!!!! I love you! You are so talented. I am so lucky to have crossed paths with you. I know that we will keep in touch long term! Xo courtney

Those two emails, they grounded me. They brought my head back to where it is meant to be.
To simple cookies. Cookies that my loyal customers want.

Jan 14, 2013

Cookie Swap Cookies - Part Two

Last week, I shared with you cookies I made for a cookies swap I did,
you can see them Here
Today, I want to share the cookies that
I and Collin got in the mail!
I had no idea what to expect...or what I might get,
But let me tell you..
When I opened the box
Collin and I were both in SHOCK!
Collin was grinning from ear to ear!
I was in tears!
As we pulled out cookie after cookies,
we were both shocked and amazed!
The package was from
The Amazing Jodi of Serendipitous Sweets!
If you are not familiar with Jodi..please take some
time to check out her amazing cookies!
Some of my favorites are These, and These
and of course THESE!
So....would you like to see what we got?

Ok...prepare to be amazed!

 First up Jodi made me some Christmas Daisies!  Daisies are my FAVORITE flower!

Then...I told the ladies in the swap, that Collin and I fight over cookies when

we get them in the mail, so she made cookies with our names on them! No more fighting!

Then...I pulled these beauties out of the box

PUZZLES!  Lots and Lots of Puzzles!

And in The Cookie Puzzle still my heart!


Then.....wrapped in red tissue paper, were the most amazing cookies



These are COOKIES!

Collin has collected Nutcrackers for years, he has well over 200 of them, we are
actually running out of room, but when Collin saw these cookies,
he quickly told me

"These are NOT for eating"
and they are now on display, with the rest of his Nutcrackers!

Thank you soo much Jodi, Collin and I really enjoyed the cookies!

Until next time....


Jan 11, 2013

Inspirational Message Crosses by Simply Sweets by Honeybee {Guest Post}

You are in for a very special treat today at The Cookie Puzzle!
Today..I have a VERY special person guest posting here!
I am sooo excited!
Wanna know who it is?
It is Melissa of Simply Sweets by Honeybee!
I first fell in love with Melissa's cookies when I saw
These cookies, in March of last year.
I was totally smitten with them...and I totally started stalking all
her cookies and blog posts.

I met her...well, not met met online met her!
And...she is just the sweetest person.
She is so talented..and caring.
In just a few short months...she has become my PERSON!
Do you have a person?
If not, I suggest you get one.
Have you noticed that my pictures have gotten better?
That is because of Melissa!
More frequent blog posts...yep  Melissa!
We "talk" eleventy million times a day..she grounds me, uplifts me, makes me laugh
and just "gets" me.
Everyone needs a Melissa in their life...if you don't have one..well go get one
but get your own...this one is mine.!
So...enough Kim babble..
lets get to the real reason for this post
Take it away Melissa!
Thanks Kim for inviting me over to your blog. I'm happy to be here giving this whole guest blogging thing a whirl. I can't say enough nice things about Kim. She is so genuine, caring and kind. She is my person too. We do chat eleventy million times a day and have become great friends. We bounce ideas off each other for cookies and blog posts. We talk about personal stuff and TV shows. We have discovered that we have so much in common and we have similar beliefs. I don't know if we've decided yet but I think she's Meredith and I'm Christina (that's a Grey's Anatomy reference if you don't watch the show). I have met some amazing people all because of cookies. That's why I'm here today to talk about cookies so let's get into it.

One thing I love about Kim is that she loves things simple. So in honor of her motto simple is better, I'm showing you how to make these inspirational message crosses. They are made using a base coat of royal icing and food color writers. That's it. You don't have to have amazing decorating skills. All you need is your imagination to turn cookies like this into whatever you want them to be.
They don't have to be perfect because you are basically doodling on the cookie and they don't have to be religious at all. I made some square cookies too and one was made especially for my bestie Kim.

This technique would be great for Valentine's Day, with words of love on them, or for any other holiday or special event. 

If you don't follow my blog then you might know that I frequent Hobby Lobby a lot. I find a lot of my inspiration there and these inspirational crosses were no exception. All it took was me seeing this cross in the store and it instantly became a cookie in my mind. I collect crosses and this gem came home with me.
I put together a video tutorial for you to see how simple a cookie like this is to make. I hope you will give this technique a try.
I have plenty of other tutorials on my blog and would love for you to come on over and visit. 

Thanks for letting me take over your blog today Kim. It was fun. Hugs!


Thank you so much Melissa!  Once again your cookies blow me away!

So, what do you think, should I have more guest bloggers on my blog?

Did you enjoy it?

Let me know what you think...I love to here some feedback.

If it is something that you enjoy, I might invite other guest bloggers.

Until next time......



Jan 7, 2013

Cookie Swap Cookies - Part One

I know this is a little late...
but you know what they say...
"Better late then never"
I had the great pleasure to be asked to be a part of a very special

cookie swap organized by Lene of Not Your Everyday Cookie

she had us all fill our questionnaires, then handed them out

we then made cookies based on the answers given by the person we were given

I was SOOO nervous....making cookies is stressful enough


making cookies for another cookie decorator,

that adds a whole new level to the stress.


Then I got my name!


I got a good friend of mine!

Someone who has had my cookies before,

and I have had the pleasure of having her cookies too!

She is just the sweetest person on the earth...

and crazy talented as a cookie decorator

and she just so happens to be the mom of two of
the cutest kiddos in the world!

I got to make cookies for

Stephanie of Ellie's Bites Decorated Cookies!

If you are not familiar with Stephanie's work, you are missing out

Check out These, and These and These!

Really...I could go on and on....Stephanie makes amazing cookies, they are
almost as sweet as she is!

Please take a moment to look around her will not be disappointed!

So....I get to make cookies for Stephanie...and thanks to the questionnaire
she filled out...designs were easy to choose.

So...lets get to know Stephanie a little better shall we, I made cookies
that represent some of her favorite things.

Stephanie loves coffee

Disneyland is her favorite vacation location

she is a dental hygienist, who loves koala bears  (two for one cookie)

she loves mint chocolate chip ice cream

if she was stranded on a desert island, she would want a loaded nook and Hershey Kisses

and she loves to collect art work with her kids hand prints on them!

The entire collection!

And remember those two cute kids I told you about,
well, I HAD to send cookies for them too!

Then, when Collin found out I was making cookies for Stephanie,
Collin just HAD to make cookies for Ellie and Ben too, he says they are his
cookie buddies!
(I totally forgot to take pictures, so Stephanie sent me a picture she took, thanks Steph!)

These were really fun cookies to do...and they could not have gone to
a sweeter person.

Thanks for being such a great friend Stephanie

you ROCK...

and so do you cookies!

Next time...I will show you the AMAZING
cookie I (and Collin) got in the mail!

WOW...they blew my mind!

Until next time....

