My sister, Susan, is pretty much the bestest big sister ever...really she is...and I am not just saying that because she is the only sister I have, but because she is.
She is pretty when we were growing up, I thought she was super cool, because there is NOTHING more cool, then being in the 6th grade, and have a sister who is a Senior...I mean really, I got to ride to school with her, in her smoking cool little blue car, instead of riding the bus, like a looser...and because I had the inside scoop....I got invited to ALL the cool parties...I got to hang out with the older group...and hang with her peeps...because I was the cool little sister, she and her friends treated me like I was one of was sooo cool...really it was.
Ok...ok...that is not true...pretty much none of it is..because the last thing you want to do when you are a Senior is hang out with your bratty little sister. The truth of the matter is...while we were bestest friends in the house...once out the door..I was NOT to talk to her, or even tell anyone I was related to her..because, I wore a retainer....and my mom still picked out all my clothes...and I was NOT COOL...not even a little...I was pretty much invisible to her.
BUT...guess what happened...I grew up...and she grew up...and even though we are pretty different...she is my bestest friend..because now...we are both cool...we are the cool sisters!
Anyhoo...enough talk about the past...let's talk about now...remember when I told you that Friday was my sister's birthday, well, I made her cookies, because I am a great sister...and I make cookies all the time...and well...I just HAD to make cookies for her.
Now, let's take a minute to talk about Susan shall we...Susan is one of those "I like what I like" type of know those people, she is one of those people who would rather die of thirst then drink a Diet Pepsi...because Diet Coke is her drink of choice. You know when you go to a restaurant and you ask for s Diet Coke, and then the waitress says "Is Diet Pepsi OK"...and you way "Yes"..oh no...not Susan she will say "NO, I will have water"....she is one of those people...which is great...because you always know what she wants.
So...when she "found" out I was making her cookies....she voiced her opinion...."White...I want White Cookies, and not too big...and round"
So..there you go...I wanted to make Susan Round White Cookies!
But what kind of white cookies....oh...I know...I will make her white cookies with filigree on them..and maybe some pretty scrolls...that is the ticket...then I baked the cookies...and base coated them white. The next day, I went to put on the details....and it hit me..I know...I know what to put on them..and it is NOT scrolls and filigree...NOPE....not for My Sister...I put what she loves on the cookies..and what does Susan LOVE
The Kansas City Royals!
So that is what I made her!
I could not stop at the Royals....because Susan is also a
Mizzou Tiger Super Fan!
So....Happy Birthday Susan...I hope you had a great day...and I hope you are not
too mad at me after seeing this....I only did it because I LOVE YOU!

Awesome sister love.